Publishing your first book? Little Pot shares how to get it done.

Publishing a first book? Learn a Lot from Little Pot about Publishing.

Are you an aspiring author publishing a first book? Don’t worry; you’re not alone in this exciting but nerve-wracking journey. Like you, Little Pot, an adorable character from children’s literature, took its first steps in the competitive publishing world. In this article, we’ll learn a lot from Little Pot and learn valuable lessons about the publishing process. From creating a compelling manuscript to finding the right publishing platform, navigating the publishing world can be overwhelming. But fear not! Little Pot is here to guide you through the highs and lows of this adventure.

Discover the dos and don’ts of self-publishing, traditional publishing, or hybrid publishing as we explore the paths Little Pot took on its publishing journey. Whether seeking tips on book cover design, marketing strategies, or building an author platform, Little Pot’s experiences provide a unique perspective that may inspire and empower you in your writing endeavors. So, let’s delve into the enchanting world of Little Pot and uncover the secrets to successfully publishing a first book.

The Journey of Little Pot: A Success Story in Publishing.

Little Pot began publishing a first book in 2008. Before that time, there were a lot of books created. For example, in the 1990s, the first versions of the Mother Goose Meets Mother Nature books were made and printed for schools. Publishing books, however, remained a dream. Following the advice that you should hang out with the people you want to be, I began working in a traditional publishing company. I was able to travel with Angela Hunt, Bill Myers, and other authors that I admired. I learned a lot from their experiences with traditional publishers.

Tthe journey of Little Pot: a success story in publishing.

The Little Pot is a success story in publishing.

Publishing a First Book Traditionally

Traditional publishers make money off of books. Typically, the publisher owns the copyright in conventional publishing, and the author earns royalties. In my experience working at a traditional publishing house, however, I saw how authors made minimal royalties. Many printed books were returned and sent to Remainder Merchants, where the authors made no royalties. Likewise, a traditional publisher will only consider an author and their book if they believe they will sell 5,000 to 10,000 copies and earn their investment. The author is expected to have a platform and show the publishers how they can help sell the books. Picture books like The Little Pot are typically the most challenging to get traditionally published. They cost much more to make and are hard for publishers to sell.


Self-publishing a first book means you can do it all yourself. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot of the skills required to self-publish in illustration and design software. Selling and getting the books into the proper distribution channels is another skill self-publishers must learn. Then, online and in-person marketing is limited when you are working alone. When I was publishing a first book, I had no idea how to acquire an ISBN and what text was needed on the copyright page of my book. Likewise, in those days, self-publishing was new and not respected by many authors who went the traditional route. Few people had the skills to make self-publishing successful. I knew that I needed help.

Deciding the correct path when publishing a first book can be overwhelming. Little Pot will help.

There are many options when publishing a first book.

Independent Publishing a First Book

Independant Publishing a first book means you hire out the different services you cannot do yourself. Researching and finding experts in the field who will do things the way you want them done takes a lot of time. It can also be costly.

Using a Hybrid Publisher

Using a hybrid publisher means you work with a company that provides the experts and services you need. An excellent hybrid publisher should be upfront about all costs involved and will not own the copyright and files of your book. You should know upfront how many books you’ll need to sell to make back your investment. This is how The Little Pot was published in 2010. I was so grateful to work with a company that gave me the knowledge I lacked. Years later, this company closed, and I still owned my book and the rights to self-publish it. I have made back all of my investment and more.

There are several hybrid-type publishing companies to choose from. Their packages can range from $1,000 to $10,000. As you shop around, do your homework, read the reviews, and get to know the people you will partner with. I recommend EABooks Publishing. Consequently, I joined their team and am beyond impressed with the expert team of people working for them. Each has the heart to partner with authors in ministry and publishing.

publish a first book with EABooks Publishing

Little Pot recommends EABooks Publishing.

Publishing a First Book with EABooks

The first thing to consider is if your story and book concept is something others want to read. Your book is your baby, and just like your children (if you have any), it is hard to see any faults in them. As a principal of a school, one of the most complex parts of my job was getting parents to realize that their child might need assistance or special services. As parents, we can be blind to how others see our children. Likewise, the same is true with the stories and books we give birth to. Therefore, it is crucial to get the opinions of others and not just close family and friends.

It would be best to have honest feedback and opinions from objective strangers. Attending writing conferences and joining a writer’s critique group will help. Word Weavers International is a great critique group to join. Here’s a video to show you how they work.

Word Weavers International: How Word Weavers Online Critique Groups Work

Begin Publishing a First Book

After you have your story and writing the way it needs to be, it’s time to contact EABooks. You can schedule a Free fifteen-minute Book Consultation with me. We will talk one-on-one about your book. Additionally, EA Books will also provide you with a free sample edit. They have some of the most professional editors in the industry. They’ll return the sample edit to you, and together, we can determine the editing package that may be needed for your story. A good critique group will save you money at this stage. Once you’ve decided how wide you would like your book to be distributed and the specifics of your book package, we’ll draw up an agreement and go to work publishing a first book for you.

Navigating the world of book marketing, promotion, reviews, and testimonials can be the most challenging part of being an author. EABooks also offers marketing options to help you with this journey. Building an author platform and connecting with readers is essential. EABooks is indeed your partner, and we will be there to support you and guide you throughout the journey.

Lessons Learned from Little Pot’s Publishing Journey

When I finished The Little Pot‘s story, I knew I would be publishing a first book. Little Pot’s story needed to be heard by everyone, and I was determined to put the message into a book. I had worked for a traditional publisher, and taking that road seemed long. Likewise, based on the testimony of traditionally published authors, I wanted to own the story God had given me. I knew I wanted to self-publish. However, I had no idea how to navigate the process alone.

I heard about a local woman who had published her book and reached out to her. I only wanted advice on what to do. She had started a small hybrid publishing company and told me she would first need to read the story before she could offer advice. I sent it to her, and she offered to partner with me. Then, I invested a few thousand dollars and began publishing a first book.

Conclusion: The rewarding experience of publishing a first book

I get asked often if it was worth it. My answer is always, “Yes!”

I earned my investment back in a few years and now have a means to share the story God gave me with others. I learned the process and could self-publish additional books like The Tea Pot, The Oil Lamp, and Burnout Fit In. In conclusion, I discovered, as Proverbs 15:22 tells us, “Without counsel, plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed.” That is why I now work with EABooks and desire to help new authors publish their books.

Click the button and schedule a time to share your story and publishing dream with me. Together, we can continue to learn a lot from Little Pot.

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author image Dawn Stephens with book characters Little Pot, Tea Pot, and Oil Lamp

hi, I'm Dawn

Are you ready to Learn a lot from the Little Pot? My book characters and I are here to help you sprout fruitful life stories! Together we’ll produce the fruit of the Spirit and strengthen our relationship with the Potter. I can’t wait for you to join me on this fruit-bearing journey! 🪴

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